K. Leśniak - My notes

Thunder-lightning generated by an iterated function system of three affines on the plane

  1. Measures of noncompactness
  2. Axiomatization of topological space in terms of the operation of boundary (arXiv:math/0605259v1)
  3. Ocena georóżnorodności za pomocą miar krajobrazowych - podstawowe trudności metodyczne = Geodiversity valuation with the aid of landscape indices - basic methodological obstructions ( Przegląd Geograficzny, vol.78 no.1, 2006), joint work with Rafał Kot
  4. Rozwiązania gier o charakterze kooperacyjnym. Kooperacja i koordynacja ( UMK: repozyt 495)
  5. Rozwiązania symetryczne gier kooperacyjnych ( UMK: repozyt 494)
  6. Random iteration and disjunctive processes (Fractal Geometry and Stochastics V, Tabarz, Germany, 24-29 March 2014):
    Kaczmarz algorithm & chaos game simulation.ggb
  7. Dynamics of some models from the economics curriculum: interactive activity with GeoGebra (EViMS 2, Canberra, Australia, 21-23 November 2014):
  8. Disjunctive sequences, discontinuous systems and fast basins (New Directions in Fractal Geometry, Kioloa, Australia, 24-28 November 2014):
    slides  |  abstract
  9. Sierpinski Fractal Manifold (a manifold underlying the fast basin of the Sierpiński gasket):
    .ggb on GeoGebra.org  |  on SuperFractals by M. Barnsley
  10. Chaos game simulation over a prescribed driver in Maxima CAS, joint work with Nina Snigireva:
    Chaos Game Algorithm - KL
  11. Some topology for iterated function systems (21st Professor Wazir Hasan Abdi Memorial Lecture 2020, Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala, India, February 2021):
  12. Zbl 1487.28011 A fractal triangle arising in the AIMD dynamics, joint work with N. Snigireva and F. Strobin (Contemporary Mathematics in Kielce 2020, Kielce, Poland, 24-27 February 2021); DOI: 10.2478/9788366675360-013