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   Curriculum Vitae

Name: Mariusz Tomasz Lemańczyk,
Date of birth: 3.02.1958,
Place of birth: Toruń
Status: married,
Number of children: 2,

1965-1973: Primary School in Chojnice, 1973-1977: Secondary School (Liceum im. Filomatów) in Chojnice, 1977-1981: Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

- master of mathematics (master thesis: ``Nonsurjective epimorphisms in the epireflective subcategories of \Sigma-models"), N.C. University 1981,
- doctor of mathematics (dissertation: ``Ergodic properties of Morse sequences"), N.C. University 1985,
- doctor habilitated (habilitation: ``Ergodic Compact Abelian Group Extensions of Rotations"), Warsaw University 1991,
- title of professor, 1998.

Posts held (at Nicolaus Copernicus University):
1981-1983: junior assistant, 1983-1984: assistant, 1984-1986: senior assistant, 1986-1992: adiunkt, 1992-2002: professor, 2002-: full professor.

Administration positions, membership in councils and scientific councils:
1999-2005 - vice-dean for science of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Nicolaus Copernicus University (two terms),
2005-2008 - dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Nicolaus Copernicus University,
1999-2008 - member of Senat of Nicolaus Copernicus University,
1997- (except for 2016-2019)- member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences,
2020-2025 - director of the Excellence Center "Dynamics, Mathematical Analysis and Artificial Intelligence" at Nicolaus Copernicus University,
2022-2025 - Member of the Council of Banach Center, 2022-2025.

Visiting professor:
5.05.-16.05.1986: Université Paris-Nord and Paris VI,
13.01.-13.02.1987: The University of Maryland,
11.05.-11.06.1987: Université de Bourgogne,
17.08.-30.08.1987: The Delft University,
29.08.-5.10.1988: Université de Provence and Paris VI,
12.09.-12.10.1989: Université de Bourgogne,
8.11.-8.12.1989: The Toronto University,
4.01-17.03.1990: Université de Provence and Paris VI,
1.02-1.03.1992: The Maryland University,
10.11-14.12.1992: Keio University,
1-14.02.1993: Université de Bourgogne,
16.06-5.07.1993: University of Toronto,
1.03-1.07.1994: Université de Rouen,
7-19.09.1994: Charles University, Prague,
21.01-21.07.1995: Université Paris VI,
21.08-2.09.1995: Korean Adv. Inst. Sc. Technology, Taejon,
17-23.09.1995: Charles University, Prague,
7.02-28.02.1996: Université Paris XIII,
1.03-31.05.1996: Université de Rouen,
1.06-31.08.1996: Université de Luminy,
1.12-22.12.1996: Toronto University,
8.02-8.03.1997: E. Schroedinger Institute, Vienna,
1.07-30.09.1997: Université de Luminy,
1.10.1997-28.02.1998: Université de Tours,
13.04-22.04.1999: Institute of Low Temperature in Kharkov (also Institute of Mathematics of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kiev),
8-19.09.1999: Université Paris 13,
17-31.10.1999: Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
15-27.05.2000: Schroedinger Institute (Wien),
7.04-14.04.2000: Technical University in Delft,
1.09.2000-31.08.2001: Université Paris 13,
18-25.11.2001: MGU Moscow,
7.06.-14.06.2002: Université Paris 13,
14.06-27.06.2002: Toronto University,
16.11.-29.11.2002: Tel Aviv University (also H.U. of Jerusalem and Beer Sheva University),
2-6.10.2003: KTH Stockholm,
30.01.-28.02.2004: Université Paris 6,
20.04-20.05.2004: Université de Brest,
1.07-31.07.2004: Max Planck Institute in Bonn,
20.10-20.11.2004: Penn State University,
31.01.-13-02.2005: University of Toronto,
20.06-20.07.2005: Université de Tours,
10.12-17.12.2005: Institut of Low Temperature, Kharkov,
28.01-4.02.2006: Institut fuer Mathematische Stochastik (Goettingen),
18.11-17.12.2006: Université Paris 13,
10.06-18.06.2007: Université de Rouen,
27.01-7.02.2008: Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv University,
1.10-1.12.2008: MSRI, Berkeley,
1.12-15.12.2008: Colorado State University, Fort Collins,
2.01-31.03.2009: Ohio State University, Columbus,
15.04-30.06.2009: Université de Tours,
17.09-23.09.2009: Université Marseille II (Luminy),
24.09-16.10.2009: Université de Tours and Université Paris 13,
3.11-3.12.2009: Université Lille I,
7-21.04.2010: Ohio State University, Columbus,
6.11-16.11.2010: Moscow State University,
21.07-1.08.2011: Ohio State University,
24.06-6.07.2012:Institute for Low Temperature, Kharkov,
1.09-30.09.2012: Université de Rouen,
4.07-12.07.2013: Institute for Low Temperature, Kharkov,
5.09-17.09: Université de Rouen,
17.09-1.10.2013: Keio University,
19.04-23.04.2014: Bielefeld University,
26.06-30.06.2014: Toronto University,
1.07-6.07.2014: Bielefeld University,
1.09-15.09.2014: Université de Marseille (Luminy),
15.09-4.10.2014: Université de Rouen,
1.11-1.12.2014: Auckland University,
15-28.02.2015: University of Crete in Heraklion,
11.06-5.07.2015: Université de Rouen,
22.07-22.08.2015: Université d'Aix-Marseille,
29.08-31.10.2015: Université de Rouen,
22-27.04.2016: Université d'Amiens,
11-22.02.2017: Vienna University of Technology,
14-24.05.2017: CIRM (Marseille). Research in Pairs (Sarnaks's conjecture - what's new),
26.08-1.09.2017: Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton,
2-13.09.2017: Ohio State University (Columbus),
24.01-7.02.2018: Penn State University (State College),
30.01-1.02.2018: Institute for Advanced Studies (Princeton),
14-17.02.2018: Tel Aviv University,
11-15.04.2018: University of Geneva,
11-20.05.2018: Institute for Low Temperature (Kharkov),
4-10.11.2018: University of Kiel,
9-22.02.2020 Université de Rouen,
29-31.08.2022 Penn State University,
1.09.2022-30.06.2023 Institute for Advanced Studies (Princeton),
2.-6.05. 2023 University of Maryland.

International Conferences:
- International Congress of Mathematicians, Warszawa 1983 (c),
- Ergodic Theory and Related Topics II, Georgenthal 1986 (l),
- Smooth Ergodic Theory, Warwick 1986 (l),
- Arithmétique et Codes, Luminy 1987 (l) ,
- Théorie Ergodique des Nombres, Luminy 1988 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Szklarska Poręba 1989 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Related Topics III, Guestrow 1990 (l),
- Ergodic Theory, Luminy 1991 (l),
- Perspectives of Mathematics, Barcelona 1991 (l),
- Ergodic Theory of Amenable Group Actions, Berkeley 1992,
- New Bases for Engineering Science, Okayama 1992 (l),
- Algorithm, Dynamics and Fractals, Kyoto 1992 (l),
- Abstract Analysis, Srni 1993 (l),
- Dynamical Systems, Aachen 1993 (l),
- Harmonic Analysis and Ergodic Theory, Alexandria 1993 (l),
- Special Year in Dynamical Systems, Warwick 1994 (1-24.07.1994) (l),
- Ergodic Theory, Dynamical Systems, Invariant Measures and Applications to Number Theory, Delft 1994 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Toruń 1994,
- Abstract Ergodic Theory, Warsaw 1995 (l),
- Ergodic Theory, Churanov 1996 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Berlin, 1996 (l),
- Ergodic Theory, Churanov 1997 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Szklarska Poręba 1997 (l),
- Ergodic Theory, Rouen 1999 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Katsivelli (Ukraine) 2000 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Toruń 2000,
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Paris 2001 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems in honour of 60th birthday of Professor Jan Kwiatkowski, Toruń 2002 (l),
- Holomorphic Dynamics, Warsaw 2002,
- Hayashibara Forum, Oxford-Warwick, 2003 (l),
- Probability in Mathematics: in honour of Hillel Furstenberg on the occasion of his retirement, Jerusalem-Beer-Sheva, 2003 (l),
- Workshop on Symbolic Dynamics and Ergodic Theory (celebration of the 60th birthdays of Klaus Schmidt and Peter Walters), Warwick 2003 (l),
- Representation Theory, Dynamical Systems, and Asymptotic Combinatorics in honour of 70th birthday of Professor Anatoly Vershik, St. Petersburgh 2004 (l),
- Dynamical Systems: from Algebraic to Topological Dynamics, Bonn 2004 (l),
- Dynamical Systems and Applications, Roscoff 2005 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Warsaw 2005 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Szklarska Poręba 2006 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Limit Theorems, Rouen 2007 (l),
- Ergodic Theory in Infinite Measure, Rennes 2008,
- Dynamical Systems, in honor of 60th birthday of M. Misiurewicz, Będlewo 2008,
- Ergodic Theory, in honor of 60th birthday of F. Parreau, Paris 2008 (l),
- Rigidity Phenomena in Additive Combinatorics, Berkeley 2008 (l),
- Dynamical Systems and Randomness, Institut H. Poincaré 2009 (l),
- 2nd Pingree Park Dynamics Workshop, Colorado 2009 (l),
- Progress in Dynamics. A conference on the 65th birthday of Anatole Katok, Institut H. Poincaré 2009 (l),
- Topology, Geometry and Dynamics: Rokhlin Memorial, St. Petersbourgh, 2010 (l),
- Operator Theory and Applications: Perspectives and Challenges, Hel 2010 (l),
- Spring Dynamics, Conference in memory of Dan Rudolph, Maryland 2010,
- Dynamical Systems Meeting in Lower Silesia, Trzebieszowice 2010 (l),
- Propriétées stochastiques des systemes dynamiques et marches aléatoires, Roscoff 2010,
- Infinite Ergodic Theory, Rehovot (Weizmann Institute) 2010, on the occasion of the 60th birtday of J. Aaaronson) (l),
- 3rd Pingree Park Dynamics Workshop, Colorado 2010 (l),
- Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems, Warsaw 2010 (l),
- Ergodic Theorems, Group Actions and Applications, Eilat 2011 (l),
- Modern Dynamics and its Interaction with Analysis, Geometry and Number Theory, minisemester (school and conference), Będlewo 2011,
- Joint IMU-PTM meeting, Lodz 2011 (plenary lecture),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Chapel Hill 2012 (l),
- Ergodic Methods in Dynamics (in honour of F. Przytycki), Będlewo 2012 (l),
- Williams Ergodic Theory Conference, Williamstown 2012 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Metric Number Theory (in honour of H. Nakada), Tokyo 2012 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Chapel Hill 2013 (l),
- Ergodic Theory with Connections to Arithmetic, Heraklion 2013 (l),
- Rencontres Arithmetiques de Caen, Caen 2013 (l),
- Visegrad Conference on Dynamical Systems, Olsztyn 2013,
- Homogenous Dynamics, Unipotent Flows, and Applications (in honour of Marina Ratner), Jerusalem 2013 (l),
- Unlikely Intersections, Marseille 2014,
- Prime numbers: New perspectives, Marseille 2014 (l),
- Probability, Ergodic Theory, Dynamical Systems and related fields (memorial conference of Meir Smorodinsky), Tel Aviv 2014 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, Toruń 2014,
- Pseudo-aléa en théorie des nombres, Marseille 2014 (l),
- Recent Progress in Dynamical Systems and Related Topics (70th birthday conference of Anatole Katok), Banff 2014 (l),
- Ergodic theorems and applications in probability, Eilat 2015 (l),
- Ergodic Theory and Combinatorics (65th birthday conference of Vitaly Bergelson), Adger 2015 (l),
- Number Theory and Dynamics, Mittag-Leffler Institute 2015 (l),
- Workshop on Combinatorics, Number Theory and Dynamical Systems, IMPA 2015 (l),
- Frontiers of Operator Dynamics, Luminy 2015,
- Ergodic Theory, Fractals and Groups (celebrating 50 years of ergodic theory in Jerusalem), Israel Institute for Advanced Studies, 2015,
- Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems, Będlewo 2015. Simons semester in Banach Center "Dynamical Systems'' (September-December 2015),
- Journée Amienoise de Syst\`emes Dynamiques, Amiens 2016 (l),
- Randomness and Determinism in Number Theory, TU Vienna 2016 (l),
- New development around x2 x3 conjecture and other classical problems in Ergodic Theory, Cieplice (celebrating 60 birthday of T. Downarowicz) 2016 (l),
- Combining Aperiodic Order with Structural Disorder, Lorentz Center (Leiden) 2016 (l),
- Spectral Theory of Dynamical Systems and Related Topics, Luminy (CIRM) 2016,
- Ergodic Theory and Moebius Disjointness, Luminy (CIRM) 2016,
- Applications of Ergodic Theory in Number Theory, Luminy (CIRM) 2016,
- Ergodic Theory and its Connections with Arithmetic and Combinatorics, Luminy (CIRM) 2016,
- Prime numbers and automatic sequences: determinism and randomness, Luminy (CIRM) 2016,
- Aperiodic Order, Bielefeld 2017 (l),
- Conference on Dynamics in Number Theory and Geometry, Kingston 2017 (l),
- Spectral Structures and Topological Methods in Mathematical Quasicrystals, Oberwolfach 2017 (l),
- Workshop on Infinite Ergodic Theory and Related Fields, Jerusalem 2018 (l),
- Ergodic Aspects of Modern Dynamics, Będlewo 2018,
- Modern Developmnent in Algebraic Dynamics: Challenges and Opportunities, Leiden 2018 (l),
- Ergodic Aspects of Operator Theory, Kiel 2018 (l),
- Sarnak's Conjecture, San Jose (American Institute of Mathematics) 2018,
- Aperiodic Order Meets Number Theory, Melbourne 2019 (l),
- Dynamics, Measures and Dimensions, Będlewo 2019 (celebrating 60th birthday of M. Urbański),
- Théorie Ergodique, Probabilités et Interactions en l'honneur d'Emmanuel Lesigne, Tours 2019 (l),
- Dynamical Systems, Kraków 2019 (celebrating 70th birthday of M. Misiurewicz) (l),
- Dynamics of Parabolic Flows, Zurich 2019 (l),
- 2020 Vision for Dynamics, Będlewo 2019 (to commemorate Anatole Katok) (l),
- Jubilee Meeting to celebrate 100th anniversary of Polish Mathematical Society, Kraków 2019 (l),
- Dynamics, Equations and Applications, Kraków 2019 (l),
- Nombres premiers, déterminisme et pseudoaléa, Marseille 2019 (to commemorate Christian Mauduit) (l),
- Maryland Spring Conference (online) 2021 (l),
- First Dynamical Systems Summer Meeting, Będlewo 2021 (celebrating 70th birthday of Feliks Przytycki) (l),
- ICM 2022, invited talk: Furstenberg disjointness, Ratner properties and Sarnak's conjecture, online,
- Dynamics Week in Jeruzalem, Ergodic Theory and Beyond, 2022, (online lecture)
- Elementare und Analytische Zahlentheorie (ELAZ), 2022, Poznań, (l)
- Recent Advances in Dynamics, Geometry, and Number Theory. Conference in honor of Svetlana Katok's birthday, 2022, PennState Univ., (l),
- Workshop on Dynamics, Discrete Analysis and Multiplicative Number Theory, 2023, Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton,
- Numbers in the Universe, 2023, Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, (l),
- Ergodic Group Actions and Unitary Representations, 2024, Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, (l),
- Algebra, Analysis, and Aperiodic Order, 2024, Bielefeld, (l).

Fellowships and other positions held:
Fellowship of the French government - 9 months in France in 1992 (Marseille, Tours, Dijon, Lyon, Paris),
Special research position - Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences, 1.10.2009 - 30.09.2010.
Special research position - CIRM, holder of the Chair Morlet position: 1.08.2016 - 31.01.2017.

Experience: Ergodic theory and dynamical systems:

(i) Ergodic properties of measure-preserving systems:
- metric invariants (the rank, the centralizer, the sequence entropy, rigidity),
- properties of ergodic joinings of transformations, Markov operators, multiplier problem, disjointness in the sense of Furstenberg,
- classification of transformations by ergodic joinings,
- ergodic theory of Gaussian dynamical systems and other systems of probabilistic origin (Poisson suspensions, \alpha-stable processes),
- special flows and smooth systems on low dimensional manifolds, Ratner's property, nilflows,
- self-similarity and reversibility problem for flows,
- theory of simplicity of joinings for automorphisms,
- relative ergodic theory, structure theory of dynamical systems.
(ii) Spectral theory of dynamical systems:
- constructions of dynamical systems with Lebesgue component of finite multiplicity (Banach problem),
- spectral multiplicity problem,
- mixing properties of dynamical systems,
- spectral theory of smooth flows on surfaces, interval exchange transformations,
- spectral theory of Gaussian automorphisms, and other systems of probabilistic origin,
- spectral analysis of weighted unitary operators,
- rigidity phenomena (including the realization problem of sequences of rigidity or IP-rigidity), ultrafilters and p-limits,
- spectral theory for actions of general groups, isospectrality problem,
- spectral stability properties for nilflows.
(iii) Cohomology of cocycles:
- ergodic properties of group extensions of rotations,
- cocycles on the circle (smoothness and coalescence property, invariants of cohomology, discrepancy),
- Fourier series and ergodicity of circle cocycles,
- cohomology of cocycles in pseudo-homogenous Banach spaces,
- ergodicity and squashability problem of cocycles for infinite measure-preserving transformations,
- ergodic theory of Rokhlin cocycles,
- applications of non-singular ergodic theory in classical ergodic theory,
- groups of L^\infty-eigenvalues for non-singular automorphisms,
- random ergodic theorems with times given by cocycles.
(iv) Entropy:
- entropy of Gaussian group actions,
- entropy and relative entropy in topological dynamics.
(v) Ergodic theory in its interactions with arithmetic and (combinatorial) number theory:
- Sarnak's conjecture on orthogonality of zero entropy dynamical systems with the Moebius function,
- Dynamics of B-free sets,
- Properties of multiplicative functions,
- Non-conventional ergodic theorems (prime number theorems in dynamics),
- Ultrafilters, p-limits, polynomial actions of unitary operators.
(vi) Topological dynamics:
- classification of topological cocycles over distal transformations,
- minimal subsets for cylindrical transformations, and Hausdorff dimension of the set of discrete orbits.
(vii) Information theory
- filtering problem for stationary stochastic signals.

Scientific rewards and honors - international:
- Special research position - Jean-Morlet Chair (CIRM Marseille), 1.08.2016-31.01.2017,
- Invited speaker at International Congress of Mathematicians 2022, (Section 9, Dynamics),
- Membership of Institute for Advanced Studies (Princeton), 1.09.2022-30.06.2023,
- Member of the Scientific Committee of the European Congress of Mathematics (Sevilla 2024).

Scientific rewards and honors - Polish:
- Reward of the Minister of Science and High Education for the Ph.D. 1986,
- Reward of Polish Mathematical Society for young mathematicians 1986,
- K. Kuratowski Reward of Polish Mathematical Society 1987,
- Reward of Polish Academy od Sciences 1987,
- S. Banach Reward of Polish Mathematical Society 1998,
- Reward of the Minister of Science and High Education for scientic achievements 1998,
- W. Orlicz Medal and 24th Special Lecture, 2017 at AMU (Poznań),
- W. Sierpiński Medal and Lecture for 2022 (Warsaw University and Polish Mathematical Society),
- Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences (December 2021-).

Editorial committees of international mathematical journals:
- Editorial Committee of Colloquium Mathematicum (from 1998 to 2016),
- Editorial Committee of Studia Mathematica (from 2006),
- Editorial Committee of Księgozbiór Matematyczny (from 2010),
- Editorial Committee of Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences (from 2022),
- Editorial Board of Journal of Modern Dynamics (from 2023).

PhD students:
- Artur Siemaszko (1996),
- Krzysztof Frączek (1998),
- Dariusz Skrenty (2003),
- Magdalena Wysokińska (2008),
- Joanna Kułaga (2011),
- Agata Piękniewska (2013),
- Adam Kanigowski (2015),
- Aurelia Dymek (2021),
- (current) Martyna Górska.

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© Mariusz Lemańczyk 2025